Tuesday 1 February 2011

Evaluation Q2.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In order to make all of my three tasks work together I decided to feature the same character (my main character, "Megan") in all three, I think that this creates character identity and therefore makes the audience familiar with my character and the film.

I also decided to use the same font throughout all three tasks -
1. Teaser Trailer :- On the tile slates
2. Magazine :- In the main cover story when I featured my film and the film title
3. Poster :- All of the writing on the poster is the same font
I decided to do this as it create continuity throughout the tasks and also creates familiarisation, where ever you see that font, they will know that it is the film.

Another way to make the tasks link was using the same colour scheme of red, black and white through-out all tasks. I decided to use these colours as they linked with the horror genre and make it clear to the audience what genre the film is.

Where you can see the main characters sartorial codes they are all the same, and also in the same setting, I did this so that there was continuity through-out all three tasks.

Overall, I think that the three task compliment each other well, for these reasons and i think overall it creates an effective promotional campaign.

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