Tuesday 1 February 2011

Evualtion Q4.

How did you use media technoligies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


First off I had to create a blog on blogger to present all of my research and ideas into developing into my final ideas and finally my finished products. Using blogger last year gave me more confidence in being able to use it again this year; it is very straight forward and simple to upload pictures and videos.

Another useful website was Youtube. I used it for a number of different reasons, firstly to complete my Product Research; I had to find a number of different existing teaser trailers so that I could analyse them and also get some inspiration from them. Youtube and Blogger allowed me to embed videos onto my blog; this was useful as I could always go back to them easily on my blog, instead of going through Youtube every time. Without Youtube I wouldn’t be able to research and have access to teaser trailers quickly and easily. However as Youtube is a company that allows anyone to access and edit, this means that anyone can upload films and many of times I would be looking at a fan made film rather than an official teaser trailer, because of this I had to be sure that the video was uploaded by the official channel, like FoxsSarchlight official channel.

For my Audience Research I constructed a questionnaire and decided to give it to people, I used the popular social network site Facebook and Windows Live Messenger as they are both very popular by a range of different people and this way I could get the perspective and view from a lot of people quickly and efficiently. I also posted my blog on twitter, which was good as a number of my “followers” retweeted my blog and this means that my blog was seen by a lot of people, not just my circle of friends.

As I had to find copyright free music I had to use copy right free websites. This was time-consuming as I had look through a number of different websites to find the right type of music, however I thought this was good as I was able to find lots of music I liked then play them alongside my trailer and see which one fitted and worked well, I could also overlap music and play them together and use more than one type of sound in my trailer. I also used iTunes to upload the music listen to the music before putting it into my trailer.


For my AS media I used the schools Sony HDV camera to film my opening, however this time as I wanted to film outside of school and in my own time, because of this I decided to use my own compact camera, this isn’t a usual device to film piece of media, but I found it very usual as I could film in my chosen location and the quality wasn’t effected by using a compact camera. Also during filming I also used a DSLR camera to take some still images, this was very useful as I was able to use a range of different depth of field and shutter speeds to create the image I wanted.


As I used my own filming equipment I decided to use a different programme to the programme I used last year. Instead of iMovie on the Mac computers I used Windows Movie Maker (WMM), I thought this was good as over the two years I have experienced a range of editing programmes. WMM was easy to use and enabled me to do a range of different effects including changing the brightness of my film and also changing the film to black and white/sepia. I could also add transitions into my film and title slates where ever I wanted them, which I thought was useful. The only down side to using WMM instead of iMovie was that I couldn’t edit the sound to a high quality, I could however put the sound where I wanted it and also control the volume level. I was also able to upload my film straight to Youtube from WMM, which I thought was good as I didn’t have to waste time converting anything. Overall the two programmes where both very easy to get started and learn all of the tools.

To edit my magazine and poster I used Adobe Photoshop. I am glad that I was familiar with all of the tools and tricks of photoshop before this as it was then easier to edit and know what my limitations were. Photoshop was very useful to me as for my poster I used it a lot to airbrush my actresses face and make her appear lighter than she was, I also enhanced the colour of her eye to make it stand out more. For my magazine cover I used photoshop to add all of the text and pictures onto my cover. I also used the website urbanfonts.com to find the font I wanted and then I downloaded it so that I could use it throughout my production pieces so create continuity.


When doing question 3 on my evluation I decided to use a website called "prezi.com" this allowed me to make a online moving production/presention, I thought this would be a good idea as I am using a different way to present my answer and also it is an easier way to explore the answer and also present lots of pie charts and images with text in a diffrent way. I really liked using this as I thought it was interesting and a very different way in pesenting soemthing.

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